Home » NISER Newsletter March 2024 edition

The March 2024 edition of NISER’s quarterly newsletter is available, featuring among others, news and updates from NISER in the first quarter of 2024.



Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for staff of Lagos State Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning

A training workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation was organized for the officials of the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Lagos State, from Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th January, 2024. There were over 20 officials who participated in the training.

The programme commenced with a welcome address by the Workshop Coordinator, Prof. O. B. Okuwa after which the Director General, Prof. A. T. Simbine who was represented by Prof. Adesoji Adesanya, gave the opening speech to declare the workshop opened. Read more


Internal Training for NISER Non-Research Staff

From January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, NISER hosted an internal training for non-research staff. The training was on Basic Computer Skills and Office Management. Read more


Capacity Building in Macroeconometric Modelling

NISER researchers in the economic-related departments in the institute; Economic and Business Policy Department (EBPD), Agriculture and Food Policy Department (AFPD) and Innovation & Technology Policy Department (ITPD), underwent a training workshop on macroeconometric modelling for building capacity. Read more


Nigerian Economic Society Public Lecture – Chairman’s Opening Remarks – Prof. Antonia Simbine (DG, NISER)

NISER researchers in the economic-related departments in the institute; Economic and Business Policy Department (EBPD), Agriculture and Food Policy Department (AFPD) and Innovation & Technology Policy Department (ITPD), underwent a training workshop on macroeconometric modelling for building capacity. Read more


PLSI Subnational Audit Efficacy (SAE) Index 2023 Report Launch – MARCH 14, 2024

On March 14, the Paradigm Leadership Support Initiative (PLSI) launched its 2023 Subnational Audit Efficacy (SAE) Index Report. The NISER Director-General, ably-represented by Professor Andrew Onwuemele (Head, Knowledge Management Department) delivered the keynote address. Read more


NISER Organizational Culture Scan

The Culture Factor Africa, CFA (formerly Hofstede Insight) conducted an organization culture scan in NISER. The goal was to measure the culture of the organization on six dimensions. To this end, an electronic survey was deployed to which members of staff and management responded. A culture and strategy workshop was subsequently held with members of management on March 21 and 22. At this workshop, (facilitated by Dr Emmanuel Imafidon and Mr. Michael Davis of CFA), members of management defined NISER’s optimal culture in line with the Institute’s vision, mission and goals. Read more.


On Marc 26, 2024, NISER hosted the general public and relevant stakeholders at the NISER Research Seminar Series, with the theme, ‘Digital Policing and Crime Control in Nigeria’, at the NISER Conference Room and online via Zoom. Discussions covered the state of digital technology adoption in the security sector, and the steps that should be taken to improve the use of digital technologies in the sector.. Read more.


NISER is eminently positioned as a public policy think tank with capacity to deliver on Evidence for Learning and Policy Advisory. The Institute has an enviable mix of staff with disciplinary backgrounds and expertise. This blend of multidisciplinary expertise in one single organization is NISER’s Unique Selling Point (USP). NISER has a pool of 62 research staff, consisting of Professors, Associate Professors, Senior Fellows, Intermediate and Junior Fellows. Subject matter expertise and research interests cover a wide range including:

  • Agriculture & Food Policy,
  • Economic & Business Policy,
  • Environment & Physical Infrastructure Policy,
  • Human Capital Policy,
  • Innovation & Technology Policy,
  • Political & Governance Policy &
  • Social Policy.

NISER has a track record in Research, Evidencing, Policy Impact Analysis and Program/Policy Performance Evaluation. Researchers interrogate policy issues in all major sectors including the macroeconomy, agriculture, climate, environment, transport, energy and human capital. Other sectors covered include social sectors (education, health, gender and social inclusion), manufacturing, small and medium enterprises, political and governance policy.

To access a list of NISER publications, click here