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NISER and EFCC strengthen ties against Corruption

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The Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Professor Antonia Simbine, has reaffirmed her commitment to supporting the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in its efforts to combat economic and financial crimes. This pledge was made during her courtesy visit to the Ibadan Acting Zonal Director of the EFCC, Assistant Commander of EFCC, ACE I Hauwa Garba Ringim, on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

In acknowledging Ringim’s recent appointment as the head of the Ibadan office of the EFCC, the DG expressed NISER’s ongoing support for the EFCC’s mission and gave assurances that under her leadership, NISER would continue to provide robust support to the EFCC’s endeavors.

Emphasizing the importance of sustained collaboration between the two organizations, the DG highlighted the necessity of addressing core issues that align with the visions and mandates of both establishments.

“As government agencies, it is imperative that we foster a cooperative relationship with relevant stakeholders, which is why my team and I embarked on this visit,” she stated. “We recognize that the EFCC cannot combat corruption in isolation, and we are committed to contributing to the fight against corruption, particularly cybercrime, in the Southwest region and across Nigeria.”

The DG further revealed that NISER’s Social Policy Department is actively researching how Nigerian youths can be meaningfully engaged in developmental activities, emphasizing the crucial role of ethical reorientation among the youth.

She proposed regular training and capacity-building programs for EFCC professionals at NISER facilities, citing the Institute’s mandate to conduct research on social and economic issues for various stakeholders.

In response, Ringim expressed gratitude for the visit and affirmed her dedication to collaborating with the DG to achieve national economic growth, strengthening the partnership between the EFCC and NISER, and together fulfilling the respective mandates and contributing to the Federal government’s strategic plan to advance Nigeria.

She also extended an invitation for constructive feedback, emphasizing the mutual commitment to working together towards a greater Nigeria.