Home » Departments



  1. Agricultural and Food Policy Department:

Contribute to evidence-based Agricultural and Food Policy Development.

The department’s focal areas shall be towards:

  • Agriculture Production and Value Chain Development
  • Rural Development and Extension Services
  • Agricultural Technology, ICT, and Innovation
  • Gender and Youth Empowerment in Agriculture
  • Agricultural Diversification, Agro-Industrial Linkage, and Trade
  • Climate-smart agriculture
  • Agricultural Finance and Agri-business
  1. Economic and Business Policy Department

Anchor Economic and Business Policy by Providing Credible Research That Can Support Evidence-Based Policy Making

The department’s research focus shall be on the following issues:

  • Real Sector Development and Economic Diversification
  • Unemployment, Employment, and Labour Market Dynamics
  • Fiscal Policy and Public Debt Management
  • Monetary Policy and Price Stability
  • External Trade Policies and Competitiveness
  • Revenue Diversification and Fiscal Responsibility
  • Energy Diversification and Renewable Options
  • Industrialization and MSME
  • Investment and growth, including FDI and Impact Investment
  • Trade and Regional Integration
  • Informal sector dynamics (including potential linkages with the formal sector)
  1. Environmental and Physical Infrastructure Policy Department

Support Environment and Physical Infrastructure Policy Development in Nigeria

The department’s research focus shall be on the following issues:

  • Transport development
  • Environment
  • Housing
  • Renewable Energy
  • Population studies
  • Climate change and Disaster risks management
  • Urban and rural development planning
  • Waste management
  • Natural Resource Management
  • GIS


  1. Human capital policy Department

Contribute to the advancement of Human Capital Policy Development and Human Resource utilization in Nigeria

The department’s research focus shall be on the following issues:

  • Human resource planning
  • Education curriculum development
  • Vocational and technical education
  • Labour market analysis (including education training and industry mismatches)
  • Educational access and quality
  1. Innovation and Technology Policy Department

Promote innovation and technological advancement for greater competitiveness and national development

The department’s research focus shall be on the following issues:

  • innovation and industrial policy;
  • technological innovation;
  • science, technology, and innovation
  • intellectual property and copyrights issues
  1. Social Policy Department

Contribute to effective social policy formulation and implementation in Nigeria through research-based evidence.


The core thematic areas of research in SPD are as follows:

  • Population & Demographic Issues
  • Social related Health issues
  • Child & Maternal Health Issues
  • Reproductive Health issues
  • Gender & Development
  • Human Rights Issues
  • Criminology
  • Poverty Reduction & Social Protection
  • Culture & Tourism
  • Labour & Industrial Relation.
  1. Political and Governance Policy Department

Provide evidence towards the advancement of political and government policy development in Nigeria

The department’s focal areas shall be towards:

  • Governance and rule of law
  • Political participation and gender inclusion
  • Accountability of government and allied institutions
  • Security, conflicts, and development
  • Public sector & Intergovernmental Relations
  • Foreign Relations



  1. Knowledge Management Department

Create a knowledge repository for the institute/country

Strategic Objectives:

  • Create a national data centre.
  • Manage NISER’s knowledge repository to drive productivity in the country
  • To create and market NISER brand to local and international audiences


  1. Research Management Department

Central coordination and management of research activities and output.


Strategic Objective: 

  • To ensure research quality
  1. Administration

Support research activities through the management of human and material resources

Strategic Objectives: 

  • To continuously improve service delivery through improved communication, efficiency, and effectiveness
  • Strategically align energies and resources to support the research agenda 
  1. Account and Finance

Facilitate research activities by performing all functions relating to financial matters of the institute

Strategic Objective: 

  • To advise the institute’s CEO and guide on all financial matters
  • Align financial resources to support NISER’s research agenda








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Contact us at the NISER office nearest to you or submit an inquiry online.

On behalf of NISER, I would like to welcome you to the institute’s website, which presents the institute’s profile, activities, and output. NISER is an agency of the Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning and receives supervision specifically from the ministry.
Prof. Antonia Taiye Simbine
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